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Advanced Troubleshooting with InfiniStream Network Mgmt Practice Test

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Advanced Troubleshooting with InfiniStream Network
B. Remote Procedure Calls
Answer: B
Question: 113
Which of the following security issues does NOT involve communication with many
A. Worm
B. Peer-to-Peer
C. Back door
D. All of the above involve communication with many hosts
Answer: C
Question: 114
Consider the following illustration. It is indicative of:
A. An abnormally-large file transfer
B. Interactive commands manually sent to a server
C. A back door communicating
D. Possible worm activity
Answer: D
Question: 115
When InfiniStream has Stream data taken from the inside AND outside of a firewall,
A. frames that pass though the firewall will be dropped, because they may have
different addressing, due to Network Address Translation. (NAT)
B. frames that pass though the firewall will be duplicated, but may have different
addressing and ports, due to Network Address Translation. (NAT)
C. frames that pass though the firewall will be removed automatically from the
Stream data
D. data is always encrypted and can only be reviewed for integrity.
Answer: B
Question: 116
Consider this illustration of a data mining filter. What would it include?
A. Packets to and from any host except only that use ephemeral ports
on the client and server.
B. Packets to and from host only that use ephemeral ports on the client
and server.
C. Packets to and from host to an HTTP server.
D. Nothing. No packets would be included.
Answer: B
Question: 117
A sorted list of active ports can help to ________.
A. isolate data for further analysis
B. identify the use of specific applications in the network
C. locate the most active protocols
D. all of the above
Answer: D
Question: 118
Remote Procedure Calls may change their listening port number when the service is
disabled and restarted.
Answer: A
Question: 119
The selection of InfiniStream alert protocols is made on the ------------tab.
A. Syslog
B. Trap
C. Bindings
D. Protocols
Answer: C
Question: 120
The location of the file extracted by the data mining interface (ICE file) is set by
A. ICEConfigParams.cfg
B. aliases.adr
C. protocols.reg
D. the user at startup
Answer: A

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Other Sources

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