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ES Wireless Practice Test

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ES Wireless
A. Filtering
B. Hardware
C. Reload
D. Discover
Answer: C
The RoamAbout Access Points with 802.11b PC Cards installed use:
A. Narrow Band Spread Spectrum
B. Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum
C. Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
D. Dense Wave Division (DWD) Spread Spectrum
Answer: C
For what is the directional antenna generally used?
A. Within Wireless Infrastructure Networks
B. In LAN-to-LAN Endpoint solutions
C. For the logical center of an ad-hoc network
D. The Central AP in a Point-to-Multipoint solution
Answer: B
How do you avoid cross-channel interference when positioning several APs, configured
with 802.11b PC Cards, adjacent to each other?
A. Enable the RTS/CTS Protocol
B. Ensure a 100 meter distance between APs
C. Set the APs to different network names and channels
D. Set the APs to different channels that are at least five channels apart
Answer: D
What are two reasons to do a Link Test when planning and installing a Wireless
Infrastructure Network?
A. Locate sources of interference
B. Configure network parameters
C. Enable the NetRider application
D. Determine signal strength in various locations
Answer: A, D
In which of the following devices is the PC Radio Card NOT used?
A. Laptops
B. Carrier (adapter) modules
C. Omni-directional antenna
D. Wireless Ethernet Adapter
Answer: C
Which of the following is NOT a feature of the RoamAbout Client Utility?
A. Monitor the amount of collisions in the wireless network before enabling the
RTS/CTS Protocol
B. Monitor SNR levels and signal and noise levels
C. Monitor the wireless performance of the client RoamAbout 802.11b PC Card
D. View and modify the configuration on the RoamAbout 802.11b PC Card
Answer: A
What is a wireless device called when its transmissions cannot be sensed by another
wireless device or devices in the network?
A. Hidden Client
B. Hidden Station
C. Rogue Client
D. Rogue Station
Answer: B

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Other Sources

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2B0-015 - ES Wireless test Braindumps
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2B0-015 - ES Wireless Real test Questions
2B0-015 - ES Wireless Question Bank
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2B0-015 - ES Wireless test contents
2B0-015 - ES Wireless test Questions
2B0-015 - ES Wireless Practice Test
2B0-015 - ES Wireless outline
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2B0-015 - ES Wireless test Questions
2B0-015 - ES Wireless cheat sheet
2B0-015 - ES Wireless information search

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