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American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology - Vascular Neurology test Practice Test

ABPN-VNE test Format | Course Contents | Course Outline | test Syllabus | test Objectives

The One-Day Family Medicine Certification Examination is divided into four separate sections of equal length and 100 minutes of pooled break time is available to be used between sections.

Exam Section test Section Format Time Allotted
Section 1 75 Multiple Choice Questions 95 Minutes
Section 2 75 Multiple Choice Questions 95 Minutes
Section 3 75 Multiple Choice Questions 95 Minutes
Section 4 75 Multiple Choice Questions 95 Minutes

It is administered and proctored by staff at Prometric in approximately 350 locations around the United States and 180 international locations.

You do not need to have extensive familiarity with computers, but you should have experience with the use of a computer keyboard and mouse. Computer-based testing functions include the ability to navigate forward and backward through the examination, mark items for further review, highlight/strikeout question content, review answered, unanswered and marked items. A listing of completed questions, incomplete questions, and marked items may be accessed at any time during the examination for the currently active section. You must review or change items prior to the time expiration for each section. Once you end an test section, or the test has timed out, you cannot return to the questions in that section. The computer-based examination contains a clock showing the time remaining in the top center of the test screen.

The test plan specifications for the current Secure One-Day Family Medicine Certification Examination administered in a test center, provides you with the targeted percentage of questions in each content category of your examination. The test plan specifications outline also includes the list of available modules that will be available during your examination. You will have the opportunity to select one of these modules prior to starting section two of your examination.

Prometric also offers a "Test Drive," if you wish to become familiar with the testing process and the testing center before your test day. This is a 30-minute orientation in which the Prometric staff will allow you to experience the check-in/registration process, take a 15-minute non-medical related trial test, and introduce you to the staff and surroundings, such as parking and entrances

Cardiovascular 12%
Endocrine 8%
Gastrointestinal 7%
Hematologic/Immune 3%
Integumentary 6%
Musculoskeletal 12%
Nephrologic 3%
Neurologic 3%
Nonspecific 9%
Psychogenic 7%
Reproductive—Female 4%
Reproductive—Male 1%
Respiratory 13%
Special Sensory 2%
Population-based Care 5%
This includes Topics such as biostatistics and
epidemiology, evidence-based medicine, prevention,
health policy and legal issues, bioterror, quality
improvement, and geographic/urban/rural issues.
Patient-based Systems 5%
This includes Topics such as clinical decision-making,
communication and doctor-patient interaction, family
and cultural issues, ethics, palliative care,and end-of-life

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American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology - Vascular
Neurology Exam
Question: 502
Recovery of motor function following stroke with severe hemiparesis:
A. May Excellerate signifi cantly between 6 and 24 months.
B. Cannot be predicted at 1 month.
C. Is essentially complete at 6 months.
D. Is independent of patient age.
Answer: C
Although improvement over years is recognized, functional recovery generally remains constant after 6 months. Th e level of 6-
month recovery can be reliably predicted at 1 month to within 86%. Recovery is better in younger patients.
Question: 503
Th e Extremity Constraint-Induced Th erapy Evaluation (EXCITE) trial:
A. Used constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT) on patients in the
B. Constrained the nonparetic leg to maximize function in the paretic leg.
C. Found benefi t with CIMT that persisted for at least a year.
D. Used CIMT for 6 months to show any benefi t.
E. Found no statistically signifi cant diff erence between the two therapies
Answer: C
Th e Extremity Constraint-Induced Th erapy Evaluation (EXCITE) trial was a randomized multicenter trial comparing usual
rehabilitation therapy with constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT). Th e patients wore a restraining mitt on the nonparetic
hand for 3 to 9 months after an ischemic stroke. Th erapy was continued for 2 weeks and showed persistent, statistically signi?
cant bene? ts.
Question: 504
Th e Barthel scale:
A. Measures acute neurologic dysfunction.
B. Measures activities of daily living.
C. Is a predictor of functional independence when the score is below 20.
D. Must be administered by a physician.
E. Requires face-to-face contact with the patient to administer.
Answer: B
Th e Barthel score measures walking, dressing, feeding, grooming, and bowel and bladder control. Th e maximum score is 100. A
score of above 60 represents relative independence, with a score of 100 being the best level of function. It does not measure
acute neurologic dysfunction. It is relatively simple to administer, not requiring specialized medical training, and can be determined
by telephone with a reliable patient or a caretaker. It is frequently used in clinical trials as an outcome measure.
Question: 505
Which of the following may be an eff ective adjunct to speech and languagetherapy in post-stroke aphasia?
A. Transcranial magnetic stimulation.
B. Piracetam (Nootropil, Myocalm).
C. Donepezil (Aricept).
D. Bromocriptine (Parlodel).
E. All of the above.
Answer: E
Th e supplementation of those neurotransmitters required for synaptic plasticity is an attractive idea for the pharmacotherapy of
aphasia, and there have been some reports of utility for all of the agents listed However, clinical trial results are not particularly
encouraging. Although some studies using transcranial magnetic stimulation have shown bene? t, di? culties with treatment
blinding hamper interpretation of the data. Piracetam, a ?-aminobutyric acid (GABA) derivative, has shown some weak bene? t
but the drug is not readily available in the United States. Donepezil, a centrally acting reversible acetyl cholinesterase inhibitor,
may be of bene? t but there have been no randomized trials in aphasic stroke patients. Th e dopamine D2 receptor agonist,
bromocriptine, has been evaluated with con? icting results.
Question: 506
Match the disorder of speech and language with its best defi nition. Useeach answer only once.
A. A. Aphasia Impairment of speech intelligibility.
B. B. Dysarthria Disturbance of semantics, phonology or syntax.
C. C. Apraxia Impaired speech planning and programming.
D. D. Aphonia Inability to speak.
E. E. Abulia Decreased speech and movement.
Answer: A 2, B 1, C 3, D 4, E 5.
Cerebrovascular disease can cause multiple speech disorders. Aphasia and apraxia of speech are caused by dominant
hemispheric lesions. Dysarthria can be due to multiple di? erent upper or lower motor neuron lesions. Bilateral subcortical infarcts
can cause aphonia. Abulia, a decrease in spontaneous speech and movement, is associated with lesions of the cingulate gyrus or
the supplementary motor area.
Question: 507
Which statement best describes recovery after rehabilitation following cerebellarinfarction?
A. Patients with cerebellar infarcts in general have poor functional recovery.
B. Patients with cerebellar hemorrhage have better functional outcome than
C. Patients with infarcts in the territory of the posterior inferior cerebellar
D. Functional Independence Measure (FIM) scores generally do not reach a
Answer: C
Patients with posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) infarcts (Wallenberg syndrome) generally have better recovery than
patients with superior cerebellar artery (SCA) infarcts. Patients with cerebellar infarcts in general have good recovery, with FIM
scores compatible with independence at the time of discharge and continued improvement after discharge. Patients with ischemic
cerebellar infarcts have shorter inpatient stays and better outcome following rehabilitation than do patients with cerebellar
hemorrhages. Cerebellar edema from either hemorrhage or infarction, with herniation and hydrocephalus that is not surgically
treated, can signi? cantly worsen outcome.
Question: 508
Which statement best describes post-stroke depression?
A. Th e defi nition of post-stroke depression is a worsening of the Hamilton
B. Approximately 25% of potential patients are excluded from trials of poststroke
C. Antidepressants should be used with caution following stroke, because
D. should be changed after 6 weeks if no improvement is noteAntidepressants
Answer: D
Trials of depression after stroke have failed to yield clear treatment recommendations for several reasons. Th e use of
appropriate diagnostic criteria, including depression scales, has not been systematically applied to post-stroke depression patients.
A full 50% of stroke patients have been excluded from trials because of communication problems. Th e duration of treatment has
been inadequate, with the average total duration of treatment being only 6 weeks. Th ere has also been inadequate duration of
follow-up to determine relative outcomes following treatment. Th e American College of Physicians suggests that antidepressants
should be continued for 4 months or more beyond improvement and that treatment should be switched if no clinical improvement
is seen by 6 weeks. Several antidepressive agents may have neuroprotective e? ects, but clinical e? cacy for the prevention of
depression after stroke or for improved stroke recovery has not been proven.
Question: 509
Which statement about brain plasticity is true?
A. Stimulation of N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors may be detrimental.
B. -Aminobutyric acid (GABAA) receptor antagonists may increase plasticity
C. Serotonin has no impact on plasticity.
D. Mechanisms involved in plasticity are consistent throughout brain cortical
Answer: B
?-Aminobutyric acid (GABAA) antagonism stimulates long-term potentiation (LTP). Glutamate is an important excitatory
neurotransmitter that has multiple mechanisms related to acute brain injury and recovery. Animal studies have shown N-methyl-
d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonists to be neuroprotective in acute cerebral ischemia, but translational studies to humans
have been disappointing. Glutamate is an excitatory neurochemical that excites NMDA receptors and enhances brain plasticity.
Th e inhibition of glutamate following stroke is a complex topic, because glutamate may enhance acute neuronal damage but may
be necessary for recovery and plasticity. Serotonin may enhance plasticity, and trials of this category of antidepressant are
underway as a treatment to ameliorate post-stroke depression while enhancing recovery. Th e mechanisms for brain plasticity are
highly variable among di? erent cortical regions of the brain.
Question: 510
Which statement best describes brain plasticity?
A. Animal studies have demonstrated improved performance in animals exposed
B. Animal studies suggest motor activity (e.g., wheel running, etc.) is more
C. Learning and repetition will increase the number of dendritic spines in
D. Transient alterations of cortical representation areas may be common in
Answer: D
Transient alterations of cortical representation areas have been demonstrated with learning tasks in human volunteers. Animal
studies have demonstrated that an enriched environment is useful to stroke recovery, even when introduced as late as 15 days
following stroke. Social interaction appears more important than motor activities. Repetitive activities do result in an enlarged area
of cortical representation for that activity.
Question: 511
Stem cells:
A. Are found in the brains of adult rodents but not adult humans.
B. Are found in adult human brains but are not capable of diff erentiating.
C. Are found in adult human brains and can diff erentiate into glial cells but
D. Are found in adult human brains and can diff erentiate into neurons.
Answer: D
Stem cells in adult brains were ? rst identi? ed in rodents but have now been found in human brains. Di? erentiation into neurons
has been observed in the dentate gyrus. Th e clinical implications of manipulation of endogenous stem cells is a subject of
speculation at present.
Question: 512
Pilot studies with hyperbaric oxygen following acute stroke suggest:
A. B. trend toward worsened outcome that does not reach statistical signifi -
B. A trend toward worsened outcome that does not reach statistical signifi -
C. Increased incidence of claustrophobia in treated versus sham patients.
D. Th e occurance of signifi cant barotrauma in approximately half of treated
Answer: B
Although statistical signi? cance was not reached, the trend suggests that hyperbaric oxygen treatment does not help patients with
acute stroke and may result in clinical worsening. Claustrophobia was the same in treated and sham patients as all entered the
hyperbaric chamber. Only a single treated patient had symptoms of barotrauma. Trials of hyperbaric oxygen to Excellerate chronic,
established neurologic de? cits due to ischemia are underway.

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