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C1000-141 trial Questions
Which feature in Maximo Manage v8.x allows for the automation of routine tasks and processes?
A. Automation Scripts
B. Application Designer
C. Workflow Designer
D. Escalation Manager
Answer: A
Explanation: Automation Scripts in Maximo Manage v8.x allow administrators to automate routine tasks and processes by writing custom scripts using scripting languages such as JavaScript or Python, providing flexibility and customization options.
Question: 2
Which option is used to define the structure and behavior of Maximo applications?
A. Application Designer
B. Integration Designer
C. Database Configuration
D. Security Groups
Answer: A
Explanation: The Application Designer in Maximo Manage is used to define the structure and behavior of Maximo applications. It allows administrators to customize and configure application screens, fields, actions, and behavior to
Question: 3
What is the purpose of the Maximo Integration Framework?
A. Enabling communication between Maximo and external systems
B. Configuring user roles and permissions
C. Defining workflow processes
D. Creating and managing KPIs and reports
Answer: A
Explanation: The Maximo Integration Framework provides a set of tools and functionality to enable communication and data exchange between IBM Maximo and external systems, allowing for integration with other applications, databases, and enterprise systems.
Question: 4
Which integration option allows for real-time data synchronization between Maximo and external systems?
A. IBM Integration Bus
B. Maximo Integration Framework
D. Message Queues
Answer: A
Explanation: IBM Integration Bus is an integration option that allows for real-time data synchronization between Maximo and external systems. It provides a flexible and scalable platform for integrating applications and systems by
Question: 5
Which authentication options are supported in IBM Maximo Manage v8.x?
B. OAuth
Answer: A, C, D
Explanation: IBM Maximo Manage v8.x supports multiple authentication options, including LDAP for integrating with an external directory service, SAML for single sign-on, and RADIUS for authentication using a remote authentication server.
Question: 6
Which component is responsible for managing the user interface and client-side functionality in Maximo Manage v8.x?
A. Application Server
B. Database Server
C. WebSphere Liberty
D. Maximo Anywhere
Answer: C
Explanation: WebSphere Liberty is the component responsible for managing the user interface and client-side functionality in Maximo Manage v8.x. It hosts the Maximo web application and provides the runtime environment for
Question: 7
Which tool can be used to diagnose and troubleshoot performance issues in Maximo Manage v8.x?
A. Performance Analyzer
B. Data Loader
C. Database Configuration
D. Security Groups
Answer: A
Explanation: The Performance Analyzer tool in Maximo Manage v8.x is used to diagnose and troubleshoot performance issues. It provides detailed performance metrics, identifies bottlenecks, and suggests optimizations to Boost system performance.
Question: 8
Which option allows administrators to control access to Maximo applications based on user roles and permissions?
A. Security Groups
B. Escalation Manager
C. Conditional Expressions
D. Application Designer
Answer: A
Explanation: Security Groups in Maximo allow administrators to control access to applications based on user roles and permissions. By assigning users to
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