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Certified Tester Foundation Level - Automotive Software
Question: 92
Which of the following statements regarding the application of standards is true?
A. The application of standards helps to create transparent communication between the project stakeholders.
B. The application of standards which standardize products has the sole purpose to reduce project risks
C. The application of standards primarily alms at reducing costs.
D. The application of standards reduces the efficiency of agile projects
Answer: A
Question: 93
In the release process, which of the following work products. Information and documents are the typical output of the
A. Tested lest objects
B. Insulation recommendation
C. Non-detected defects
D. Change request
Answer: C
Question: 94
Which of the following measures is MOST suitable for dealing with the increasing complexity of product development?
A. Recruitment of additional employees
B. Use of experienced employees as coaches for new inexperienced employees
C. Creation of new subsidiaries (e g. Romania, India)
D. Use of several models as variants of a common platform
Answer: B
Question: 95
Which dimension Is defined in Automotive SPICE ®?
A. Resource dimension
B. Capability dimension
C. Objective dimension
D. Time dimension
Answer: B
In principle, automotive SPICE® has two dimensions: the process dimension and
the process capability dimension. The processes in the process dimension are
based on the ISO 12207 that has been extended and modified with
automotive-specific additions.
Question: 96
Which test document is required according to Automotive SPICE®?
A. Test procedure specification
B. Test management report
C. Test metrics report
D. Load testing report
Answer: A
Question: 97
In Automotive SPICIE. which capability level in software Integration testing is characterized by the following statement:
,,Define the objectives for the execution of the process.''
A. Capability level 2
B. Capability level 0
C. Capability level 1
D. Capability level 3
Answer: C
Question: 98
Imagine you are participating in an Automotive SPICE® assessment In your rote as a software tester, and you receive
the Information that your process has been assessed with ��P" on process attribute PA1.1 at capability level 1.
Which meaning it correct?
A. You have NOT fulfilled capacity level 1.
B. You have fulfilled capacity level 3.
C. You have fulfilled capacity level 2.
D. You have fulfilled capability level 1.
Answer: D
Question: 99
According to Automotive SPICE ®3.x, which statement regarding the requirements for a test strategy Is correct?
A. The test logs should be automated on all lest levels as much as possible to increase the comparability of the test results
and reduce the effort for the lest execution.
B. In the regression testing strategy, methods must be defined for an impact analysis and the selection of appropriate test
cases for regression testing
C. The test report must describe the test process including the identification of menaces and dependencies from other
D. The test log must Include methods for test case creation. for the selection of test cases, for the creation of test data and
for the lest execution
Answer: D
Question: 99
Which of the statements regarding traceability in Automotive SPICES® 3.x is true?
A. The linking of requirements, test cases and test togs provides traceability and enables the desired verification of test
cases for test case coverage
B. A1: N relation exists; for example If a test case is tested with the help of several requirements and is therefore linked to
several requirements
C. The linking of a requirement, a derived test case and the associated test implementation provides the base for a
complete testability.
D. With complete tractably It Is possible to trace test cases to their requirements and test cases which have been executed
to their corresponding results.
Answer: D
Question: 100
As a unit tester (.module tester��) you are working on a project and are supposed to develop a test strategy.
Which of the following test and analysis procedures is. according to Automotive SPIC® NOT an appropriate clamant of
a verification strategy for unit tests (software units), which ware "manually coded"?
Note The components to verify are non-safety relevant and safely relevant (up to ASlL-C) components
A. Tool supported static analysis
B. Hardware-in-the-Loop-Tests
C. Unit tests (Test of Software-Units)
D. Code-Reviews
Answer: A
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