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IREB Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering (CPRE) Practice Test

IREB-CPRE exam Format | Course Contents | Course Outline | exam Syllabus | exam Objectives

The Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering (CPRE) is a personal certificate aimed at individuals working in Requirements Engineering, Business Analysis and Testing. It will expand your professional knowledge and help you to become more successful in your job.
The certification scheme is developed by the IREB, the contents are taught by independent training providers and the CPRE exam can be taken at approved certification bodies. The CPRE certificate has lifetime validity.

Requirements engineering as the first step of system development crucially influences the success of the development project. The four core disciplines of requirements engineering are: elicitation, documentation, verification and validation management. Professionalism in requirements engineering avoid defects in system analysis and establishes a structured proceeding from project idea to a valuable set of requirements. Quality characteristics are defined for a single requirement as well as for the requirements specification as a whole.

You can prepare for the exams by attending a training course with a recognised IREB® training provider for IREB® Requirements Engineering - Foundation Level; participants will have relevant content and syllabus clearly explained and taught to them. The syllabus covers the important foundations in requirements engineering: differentiation between the system and system context, establishment and documentation of requirements, as well as their testing and management and the tool support available.The exam is available on Pearson Vue for anyone wishing to self-study.

The IREB® Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering - Foundation Level certification is a prerequisite for taking the three IREB® Advanced Level courses: Requirements Modelling, Requirements Management, Requirements Elicitation & Consolidation.

The level of detail of this syllabus allows internationally consistent teaching and examination. To reach this goal, the syllabus contains the following
General educational objectives
Contents with a description of the educational objectives and References to further literature (where necessary)
Educational Objectives / Cognitive Knowledge Levels
Each module of the syllabus is assigned a cognitive level. A higher level includes the lower levels.
The formulations of the educational objectives are phrased using the verbs "knowing" for level
L1 and "mastering and using" for level L2. These two verbs are placeholders for the following
L1 (knowing): enumerate, characterize, recognize, name, reflect
L2 (mastering and using): analyze, use, execute, justify, describe, judge, display, design,develop, complete, explain, exemplify, elicit, formulate, identify, interpret, conclude from, assign, differentiate, compare, understand, suggest, summarize

All terms defined in the glossary have to be known (L1), even if they are not explicitly mentioned in the educational objectives.
This syllabus uses the abbreviation "RE" for Requirements Engineering.
Structure of the Syllabus
The syllabus consists of 9 main chapters. One chapter covers one educational unit (EU). Each main chapter title contains the cognitive level of the chapter, which is the highest level of the sub-chapters. Furthermore, the teaching time is suggested that is the minimum a course should invest for that chapter. Important terms in the chapter, which are defined in the glossary, are listed at the beginning of the chapter.
Example: EU 1 Introduction and Foundations (L1)
Terms: Requirement, Stakeholder, Requirements Engineering, Functional Requirement, Quality Requirement, Constraint
This example shows that chapter 1 contains education objectives at level L1 and 75 minutes are intended for teaching the material in this chapter.
Each chapter can contain sub-chapters. Their titles also contain the cognitive level of their content.

Educational objectives (EO) are enumerated before the real text. The numbering shows to which sub-chapter they belong.
Example: EO 3.1.2
This example shows that educational objective EO 3.1.2 is described in sub-chapter 3.1
The Examination
This syllabus is the basis for the examination for the foundation level certificate.
A question in the examination can cover material from several chapters of the syllabus. All chapters (EU 1 to EU 9) of the syllabus can be examined.

Fixed typos and grammar issues
EU 1: Reference to ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148:2011 added
EU 1: List of aspects for quality requirements modified and
reference to ISO/IEC25010:2011 added
EU 3.1: Term “legacy” replaced by “existing”
EU 4.3: Reference to IEEE 830-1998 replaced by reference to
ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148:2011
EU 4.6: List of quality criteria for requirements modified
EU 5.2: Term “may” added to the verbs for fixing liability of a
EU 6.1: Hint added to the definition of the term “model”
EU 6.5: Duplicate paragraph regarding cardinalities removed
EU 7.1: examples “correctness” and “completeness” for
quality criteria replaced by reference to EU 4.6
EU 7.3: List of criteria for quality aspect "documentation”
EU 7.6: List of conflict types modified; detailed description
added; “Subject conflict” replaced by “Data conflict”
EU 8: New Educational objective 8.7.1 added
EU 8.1: Attribute “criticality” replaced by “risk”
EU 8.7: New Educational unit “Measurement for
Requirements” added

Terms: Requirement, Stakeholder, Requirements Engineering, Functional Requirement,
Quality Requirement, Constraint
Educational Objectives:
EO 1.1 Knowing symptoms of and reasons for inadequate RE
EO 1.2 Knowing the four major activities of RE
EO 1.3 Knowing the role of communication in RE
EO 1.4 Knowing skills of a requirements engineer
EO 1.5 Knowing the three kinds of requirements
EO 1.6 Knowing the role of quality requirements
Good RE is important since many errors arise already in this phase and can only be rectified
later at high cost. Typical symptoms of inadequate RE are missing and unclear requirements.
Typical reasons for inadequate RE are the wrong assumption of the stakeholders that much is self-evident and does not need to
be stated explicitly communication problems due to differences in experience and knowledge
the project pressure from the client to build a productive system rapidly.
The four main activities of RE are elicitation, documentation, validation/negotiation plus the
management of requirements. The activities can be scheduled in specific processes such as
recommended in the Standard ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148:2011. They often concern different levels of
requirements such as stakeholder requirements and system or software requirements.
Natural language is the most important means to communicate requirements. At the same time
it is particularly important to agree on a common terminology. Furthermore the communication
medium (written or spoken) plays a big role. When communicating, all participants must deal
consciously with focusing and simplification.
This is especially true for the most important role in RE: the requirements engineer. Besides
communication skills he or she must especially have the following skills: analytical thinking,
empathy, conflict resolution skills, moderation skills, self-confidence and the ability to convince.
Typically we differentiate between three kinds of requirements: functional requirements,
quality requirements and constraints.

The umbrella term “non-functional requirement” is often used for quality requirements and
constraints. Quality requirements must be documented explicitly. In particular the following
aspects need to be considered
More comprehensive quality models can be found in the requirements engineering literature
and in standards such as the Standard ISO/IEC25010:2011.
Even though quality requirements are mostly documented using natural language, their relation
to other statements have to be traceable and their validation has to be ensured by quantitative
assertions or made operational by transformation into additional functionality.

Terms: System Context, System Boundary, Context Boundary
Educational Objectives:
EO 2.1 Knowing system context, system boundary and context boundary
EO 2.2 Mastering and using system boundary and context boundary
EU 2.1 System, System Context and Boundaries (L1)
The source and so the justifications of the requirements for a system lie in the system context of
the planned system. The source consists of the set of all context aspects that initiated or
influenced the definition of the requirements. Among the potential aspects in the system context
People (stakeholder or groups of stakeholders)
Systems in operation (technical systems, software and hardware)
Processes (technical or physical processes, business processes)
Events (technical or physical)
Documents (e.g. laws, standards, system documentation)
It is the function of the system boundary to define which aspects will be covered by the planned
system and which aspects are part of this systems environment. The context boundary
identifies the part of the environment that has a connection to the system to be developed.
EU 2.2 Determining System and Context Boundaries (L2)
Often the system boundary is only precisely defined towards the end of the requirements
process. Before that, the desired functions and qualities of the planned system are only
incompletely known or not known at all. Therefore there will be a grey zone in which the
possible system boundary lies. Besides a shifting of the system boundary within the grey zone,
the grey zone itself can also shift during the RE process, e.g. when, through a shifting of the
system boundary, further aspects of the environment become important.
Also the context boundary can change over time, e.g. when it turns out, contrary to expectations,
that a legal requirement, previously classified as relevant, has absolutely no impact on the
planned system, then the system context is reduced in this area.
The context boundary also has a grey zone. It comprises the identified aspects of the
environment for which, at a particular time, it is unclear whether these aspects have a relation to
the planned system or not.

Educational Objectives:
- Knowing various types of requirements sources
- Knowing the significance of requirements sources and the consequences of disregarded requirements sources
- Knowing the most important information of the stakeholder documentation
- Knowing important principles in dealing with stakeholders (stakeholder rights and duties)
- Mastering and using the content and significance of the Kano model
- Knowing influencing factors for the choice of elicitation techniques
- Knowing advantages and disadvantages of elicitation techniques
- Mastering and using the following types of elicitation techniques and examples for each: survey techniques, creativity techniques, document-centered techniques, observation techniques and supporting techniques

An important activity in RE activity is the elicitation of requirements for the system to be
developed. The foundations for the requirements elicitation comprise on the one hand the
system context and on the other hand the requirements sources. Various types of requirements
sources are differentiated. Possible requirements sources are, for example, stakeholders,
documents or existing systems.
It is the task of RE to collect the goals and requirements from the various requirements sources.
If sources are disregarded, this can have significant negative consequences on the entire course
of the project. The documentation of the requirements sources should, with respect to the
stakeholders, contain at least the following information:
function (role)
additional personal and contact data
temporal and spatial availability during the project progress
relevance of the stakeholder
their area and extent of expertise
their goals and interests regarding the project

Depending on the company culture it is appropriate, in agreement with the stakeholders, to
define verbally or by means of written documentation the tasks, responsibilities, authority, etc.
From the stakeholder agreements arise rights and duties for each stakeholder. Dealing with
stakeholders effectively guards against lack of motivation and conflicts. Stakeholders should be
involved in the project and not only affected by the project.
EU 3.2 Requirements Categorization according to the Kano Model (L2)
For the elicitation of requirements, it is crucial to know what importance the requirements have
for the satisfaction of the stakeholders. According to the model of Dr. Kano, this satisfaction can
be classified into three categories:
Basic factors (synonym: Dissatisfiers)
Performance factors (synonym: Satisfiers)
Excitement factors (synonym: Delighters)
EU 3.3 Elicitation Techniques (L2)
Elicitation techniques fulfill the purpose of finding out the conscious, unconscious and
subconscious requirements of stakeholders. Important factors influencing the choice of
elicitation technique are risk factors, human influences, organizational influences, functioncontent influences and the intended level of detail of the requirements. Various techniques are
needed for the various RE products:
Survey techniques (e.g. interviews, questionnaires)
Creativity techniques (e.g. brainstorming, brainstorming paradox, change of perspective,
analogy technique)
Document-centric techniques (e.g. system archaeology, perspective-based reading,
requirements reuse)
Observation techniques (e.g. field observation, apprenticing)
Support techniques (e.g. mind mapping, workshops, CRC cards, audio and video
recordings, use case modeling, prototypes)
The application of appropriate elicitation techniques is a project-critical key competence. The
best results are achieved with a combination of various elicitation techniques.

Terms: Requirements Document, Requirements Specification
Educational Objectives:
- Knowing key reasons for requirements documentation
- Knowing the three perspectives of functional requirements
- Knowing advantages and disadvantages of natural language requirements documentation
- Knowing the most important model-based requirements documentation form
- Knowing the advantages of mixed form of requirements documentation
- Knowing the advantages of standardized document structures
- Knowing widespread document structures
- Knowing important points for a tailored standard structure
- Knowing activities building on requirements documents
- Mastering and using quality criteria for requirements documents
- Mastering and using quality criteria for requirements
- Knowing the two most important style rules for requirements
- Mastering and using contents and importance of a glossary
- Mastering and using rules for handling the glossary
- Document Design (L1)
In RE it is necessary to document all important information. All forms of more or less formal
representation of requirements, from the description in prose up to diagrams with formal
semantics, are called documentation techniques. Many people are involved in the documentation
in the lifecycle of a requirements document. Documentation plays a goal-orientated supporting
function in communication. The following factors make this support necessary. Requirements
are long-lasting, legally relevant and should be accessible to all. Requirements documents are
EU 4.2 Documentation Types (L1)
Requirements documents include, amongst other things, functional requirements that normally
represent the following three different perspectives of a system.
Data perspective
Behavioral perspective
Functional perspective

All three perspectives can be documented by means of natural language requirements, whilst
conceptual model types are specialized for one of these perspectives. Effectively applicable
forms of the documentation are:
Natural language requirements documentation
Conceptual requirements models such as, for example use case diagrams, class diagrams,
activity diagrams or state diagrams (see also EU 6)
Combined forms of requirements documentation
EU 4.3 Document Structures (L1)
Central components of a requirements document are the requirements for the system being
considered. Besides the requirements, depending on the purpose of the document, the
requirements documents also contain information about the system context, acceptance
conditions or, for instance, characteristics of the technical implementation. In order to ensure
the manageability of requirements documents, such documents must be structured most
Reference structures for requirements documents propose a more or less complete and a more
or less flexible field-tested content structure. Common reference structures for requirements
documents are described amongst others in the Standard ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148:2011.
In practice it turns out that there are a lot of positive effects from using reference structures for
requirements documents. For instance, the use of reference structures simplifies the usage of the
requirements documents in subsequent development activities (e.g. in the definition of test
cases). Generally reference structures cannot be adopted one-to-one for a requirements
document, as the content structure frequently has to be adapted in detail for domain-, companyor project-specific circumstances.
EU 4.4 Use of Requirements Documents (L1)
Requirements documents serve as the basis for many activities during the project lifespan, such
as, for example
Architectural design
Change management
System usage and system maintenance
Contract management

In order to serve as a basis the subsequent development processes, the requirements document
must meet certain quality criteria. In particular this includes:
Unambiguity and consistency
Clear structure
Modifiability and extensibility
EU 4.6 Quality Criteria for Requirements (L2)
In addition, the individual requirement must satisfy certain quality criteria, in particular:
Besides the quality criteria for requirements there are two basic style rules for requirements in
natural language, which promote readability:
short sentences and paragraphs
formulate only one requirement per sentence

A frequent cause of conflicts, arising in RE, lies in the different understanding of terminology
among the involved people. To prevent this problem, it is necessary that all relevant terms are
defined in a glossary. A glossary is a collection of term definitions for:
context-specific technical terms
abbreviations and acronyms
everyday concepts that have a special meaning in the given context
The following rules should be observed when working with a glossary:
The glossary must be managed centrally
The responsibilities for maintaining the glossary must be defined
The glossary must be maintained over the course of the project
The glossary must be commonly accessible
Use of the glossary must be obligatory
The glossary should contain the sources of the terms
The stakeholders should agree upon the glossary
The entries in the glossary should have a consistent structure
It is beneficial to begin the development of the glossary as early as possible, in order to reduce
the alignment work later on

Terms: Requirements Template
Educational Objectives:
EO 5.1 Mastering and using the five transformational processes in the perception and writing
of natural language and their consequences on the formulation of requirements
EO 5.2 Mastering and using the five steps for formulating requirements using a requirements
EU 5.1 Language Effects (L2)
As natural language is often ambiguous and interpretable, it is necessary to pay special attention
to precisely this aspect when using language. During the processes of perception and writing, socalled “transformational processes” occur. The fact that these transformational processes follow
certain rules can be used by the requirements engineer to elicit exactly what the author of the
requirement really did mean. The five most relevant transformational processes for RE are:
Nouns without reference index
Universal quantifiers
Incompletely specified conditions
Incompletely specified process words
EU 5.2 Requirements Construction using Templates (L2)
Requirements templates are an easily learnable and applicable approach to reducing language
effects in the formulation of requirements. The requirements template effectively supports the
author of a requirement in creating high quality requirements.
The five steps to formulating requirements through a requirements template are:
Determine legal obligation
Determine the core of the requirement
Characterizes the activity of the system
Insert objects
Determine logical and temporal conditions

Educational Objectives
- Knowing the purpose and definition of attribute schemes
- Knowing important attribute types for requirements
- Mastering and using views on requirements
- Knowing methods for prioritizing requirements
- Mastering and using techniques for prioritizing requirements
- Knowing the benefits of requirements traceability
- Mastering and using classes of traceability relationships
- Mastering and using forms of representation for traceability relationships
- Mastering and using versioning of requirements
- Mastering and using the formation of requirements configurations
- Mastering and using the formation requirements baselines
- Knowing the importance of requirements changes
- Knowing the functions and members of a Change Control Board
- Mastering and using the elements of a requirements change request
- Mastering and using different classes of change requests
- Mastering and using a process to handle change requests
- Knowing the importance of requirements measurements

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IREB-CPRE PDF trial Questions

IREB-CPRE trial Questions

Question: 740
Which of the following is the most effective way to ensure that a requirement is testable?
A. Use vague terms to allow flexibility
B. Define it in natural language without metrics
C. Specify acceptance criteria and measurable outcomes
D. Keep it at a high level to avoid complexity
E. Rely on developer intuition for implementation
Answer: C
Explanation: Specifying acceptance criteria and measurable outcomes ensures that the requirement can be objectively validated during testing.
Question: 741
What is the primary purpose of a requirements traceability matrix (RTM)?
A. To document design decisions
B. To track changes in project scope
C. To manage project timelines
D. To ensure each requirement is addressed in the final product
E. To allocate resources
Answer: D
Explanation: An RTM ensures that each requirement is accounted for throughout the project lifecycle, linking requirements to their corresponding design, implementation, and testing artifacts.
Question: 742
In a requirements gathering session, a stakeholder suggests a feature that is technically complex and outside the current scopE) What is the best approach to handle this suggestion?
A. Document the suggestion for future consideration
B. Reject the suggestion outright
C. Immediately escalate it to upper management
D. Analyze the technical complexity and present findings
E. Ask the stakeholder to provide a detailed proposal
Answer: A
Explanation: Documenting the suggestion allows for future evaluation without dismissing potentially valuable ideas, fostering an inclusive atmosphere for stakeholders.
Question: 743
When should requirements traceability be established in a project?
A. After the testing phase
B. Only if there is time available
C. At the end of the project
D. During the requirements elicitation phase
Answer: D
Explanation: Requirements traceability should be established during the requirements elicitation phase to ensure all requirements can be tracked throughout the project lifecycle.
Question: 744
Which two benefits does prototyping provide in the requirements engineering process?
A. It eliminates the need for requirements documentation.
B. It helps validate requirements with users and stakeholders.
C. It reduces development time significantly.
D. It facilitates early detection of misunderstandings.
Answer: B, D
Explanation: Prototyping validates requirements and facilitates early detection of misunderstandings, improving stakeholder engagement and satisfaction.
Question: 745
You are tasked with documenting requirements for a new system. Which of the following practices should be avoided to maintain clarity?
A. Using clear and concise language.
B. Writing ambiguous statements to cover multiple interpretations.
C. Including diagrams and visual aids.
D. Ensuring that all stakeholders review the requirements document.
Answer: B
Explanation: Writing ambiguous statements can lead to misinterpretation and confusion, undermining the clarity and effectiveness of the requirements documentation.
Question: 746
Which of the following statements about use cases is correct?
A. They are only useful for functional requirements.
B. They provide a detailed technical specification.
C. They focus on user interactions with the system.
D. They replace the need for other requirement documents.
E. They are primarily used for non-functional requirements.
Answer: C
Explanation: Use cases focus on user interactions with the system, detailing the steps taken by users to achieve specific goals, making them valuable for functional requirements.
Question: 747
In the context of requirements documentation, which two characteristics indicate a high-quality requirement?
A. It is vague and open to interpretation.
B. It is clear, concise, and unambiguous.
C. It is documented in lengthy and complex language.
D. It is testable and verifiable.
Answer: B, D
Explanation: High-quality requirements are clear, concise, unambiguous, and testable, ensuring they can be understood and Tested effectively.
Question: 748
A project manager asks you to prioritize requirements based on return on investment (ROI). Which method should you use?
A. MoSCoW method
B. Cost-benefit analysis
C. Kano model
D. User story mapping
Answer: B
Explanation: A cost-benefit analysis is appropriate for prioritizing requirements based on ROI, as it evaluates the potential financial returns against implementation costs.
Question: 749
You are analyzing the requirements for a new software application. A stakeholder mentions that a feature should be "user-friendly." Which of the following approaches is best to clarify and refine this ambiguous requirement?
A. Create a requirements traceability matrix
B. Conduct a SWOT analysis
C. Use a prototyping approach
D. Develop a state machine diagram
E. Implement a waterfall model
Answer: C
Explanation: Prototyping allows stakeholders to visualize and interact with the software early in the development process, helping to clarify ambiguous terms like "user-friendly."
Question: 750
What is the primary benefit of using a user acceptance test (UAT) in the requirements engineering process?
A. To ensure that requirements are technically feasible.
B. To validate that the system meets the needs of the users and stakeholders.
C. To document all requirements in detail.
D. To prioritize requirements based on stakeholder input.
Answer: B
Explanation: UAT is conducted to ensure the final product fulfills the requirements and expectations of users, validating that it is ready for deployment.
Question: 751
Which two types of requirements are typically included in a Software Requirements Specification (SRS)?
A. Business requirements
B. Technical specifications
C. Non-functional requirements
D. Marketing strategies
Answer: A, C
Explanation: An SRS typically includes business requirements and non-functional requirements, focusing on what the software must achieve.
Question: 752
Which of the following best describes the purpose of a feasibility study in the context of requirements engineering?
A. To identify all possible requirements for the system.
B. To assess the viability of the project in terms of technical, financial, and operational aspects.
C. To finalize the project timeline and budget.
D. To eliminate all risks associated with the project.
Answer: B
Explanation: A feasibility study assesses whether a project is viable by examining its technical, financial, and operational aspects, guiding decision-making.
Question: 753
What role does a requirements traceability matrix play in the requirements engineering process?
A. It simplifies the coding process
B. It helps in tracking requirements throughout the project lifecycle
C. It eliminates the need for stakeholder input
D. It guarantees that all requirements will be implemented
Answer: B
Explanation: A requirements traceability matrix is a tool that helps track requirements throughout the project lifecycle, ensuring that all requirements are addressed and tested.
Question: 754
Which two characteristics are most critical for writing effective and clear requirement statements? (Choose two)
A. Ambiguity
B. Testability
C. Lengthy descriptions
D. Specificity
E. Technical jargon
Answer: B, D
Explanation: Testability ensures that requirements can be Tested through testing, while specificity provides clear, detailed information on what is expected, reducing ambiguity and misunderstandings during development.
Question: 755
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a well-defined requirement?
A. Unambiguous
B. Vague
C. Comprehensive
D. Testable
E. Feasible
Answer: B
Explanation: A well-defined requirement must be unambiguous, meaning it should clearly convey its intention without room for misinterpretation.
Question: 756
A requirement states, "The system should be user-friendly." What is the primary issue with this requirement?
A. It is a business requirement
B. It is not aligned with stakeholder needs
C. It is too technical
D. It is subjective and lacks measurable criteria
Answer: D
Explanation: The term "user-friendly" is subjective and can vary widely in interpretation. Good requirements should be specific and measurable to ensure clarity and testability.
Question: 757
How should requirements be prioritized to ensure alignment with stakeholder value?
A. Use a value-based approach to prioritize requirements according to their impact on business objectives.
B. Prioritize based on technical complexity.
C. All requirements should be treated equally, regardless of value.
D. Prioritize based on the preferences of the most vocal stakeholders.
Answer: A
Explanation: A value-based prioritization approach ensures that requirements are aligned with strategic business goals, maximizing the value delivered by the system.
Question: 758
What approach should be taken to manage conflicting requirements from different stakeholders?
A. Ignore conflicting requirements as they will resolve themselves.
B. Accept the requirements from the most senior stakeholder only.
C. Facilitate discussions among stakeholders to negotiate and prioritize conflicting requirements.
D. Document all conflicting requirements without addressing them.
Answer: C
Explanation: Facilitating discussions allows stakeholders to negotiate and find common ground, leading to more effective prioritization and resolution of conflicts.
Question: 759
In the context of requirements verification, which two statements are true? (Choose two)
A. Verification checks if the product meets user needs and requirements.
B. It is an ongoing process conducted throughout the development lifecycle.
C. Verification is solely concerned with the correctness of requirements documentation.
D. Reviews and inspections are common techniques for verification.
Answer: B, D
Explanation: Verification is an ongoing process ensuring that requirements are met, typically using reviews and inspections to confirm correctness.
Question: 760
Which practice is essential for effective requirements communication among stakeholders?
A. Using complex technical language
B. Relying solely on written documentation
C. Engaging stakeholders through workshops and discussions
D. Limiting communication to formal meetings
Answer: C
Explanation: Engaging stakeholders through workshops and discussions fosters effective communication, ensuring that all parties understand and agree on the requirements.
Question: 761
A project manager wants to understand the feasibility of a proposed feature that requires significant resources. Which technique is best suited for a preliminary feasibility analysis?
A. Cost-benefit analysis
B. Use case analysis
C. Requirements prioritization
D. Stakeholder analysis
E. Risk assessment
Answer: A
Explanation: A cost-benefit analysis helps to evaluate whether the benefits of implementing the feature outweigh the costs, providing a clear indication of its feasibility.
Question: 762
Which two methods can help in achieving a shared understanding of requirements among stakeholders? (Choose two)
A. Creating visual models to represent requirements.
B. Relying solely on written documentation.
C. Conducting regular review sessions to gather feedback.
D. Limiting stakeholder involvement to only key individuals.
Answer: A, C
Explanation: Visual models enhance comprehension, and regular reviews facilitate feedback, promoting a shared understanding among all stakeholders.

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Martha nods [2025-5-16]

A fire incident burnt my IREB-CPRE books just two weeks before my exam. I had lost all my resources for preparation and had considered not taking the exam. However, I came across killexams.com and was surprised that I passed the IREB-CPRE exam using their materials. Their free demo helped me get a grasp of the syllabus easily.
Martha nods [2025-6-28]

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Other Sources

IREB-CPRE - IREB Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering (CPRE) exam Braindumps
IREB-CPRE - IREB Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering (CPRE) course outline
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IREB-CPRE - IREB Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering (CPRE) information hunger
IREB-CPRE - IREB Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering (CPRE) information hunger
IREB-CPRE - IREB Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering (CPRE) Questions and Answers
IREB-CPRE - IREB Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering (CPRE) dumps
IREB-CPRE - IREB Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering (CPRE) tricks
IREB-CPRE - IREB Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering (CPRE) course outline
IREB-CPRE - IREB Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering (CPRE) guide
IREB-CPRE - IREB Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering (CPRE) Free PDF
IREB-CPRE - IREB Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering (CPRE) exam Questions
IREB-CPRE - IREB Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering (CPRE) testing
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IREB-CPRE - IREB Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering (CPRE) Question Bank
IREB-CPRE - IREB Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering (CPRE) course outline
IREB-CPRE - IREB Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering (CPRE) dumps
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IREB-CPRE - IREB Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering (CPRE) Latest Topics
IREB-CPRE - IREB Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering (CPRE) Cheatsheet
IREB-CPRE - IREB Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering (CPRE) exam Braindumps
IREB-CPRE - IREB Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering (CPRE) learn
IREB-CPRE - IREB Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering (CPRE) exam syllabus
IREB-CPRE - IREB Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering (CPRE) real Questions
IREB-CPRE - IREB Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering (CPRE) book
IREB-CPRE - IREB Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering (CPRE) syllabus
IREB-CPRE - IREB Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering (CPRE) Questions and Answers
IREB-CPRE - IREB Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering (CPRE) education
IREB-CPRE - IREB Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering (CPRE) PDF Questions
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IREB-CPRE - IREB Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering (CPRE) exam dumps
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IREB-CPRE - IREB Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering (CPRE) Practice Questions
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