Magento-Certified-Professional-Cloud-Developer test Format | Course Contents | Course Outline | test Syllabus | test Objectives
Test Detail:
The Magento Certified Professional Cloud Developer test is designed to validate the skills and knowledge of developers working with the Magento Commerce Cloud platform. The test assesses a developer's ability to leverage Magento's cloud-based infrastructure and implement best practices for developing and deploying scalable, secure, and high-performance Magento Commerce Cloud solutions.
Course Outline:
The Magento Certified Professional Cloud Developer course provides in-depth training on the development aspects specific to the Magento Commerce Cloud platform. The course covers subjects such as Magento architecture, cloud deployment, data management, customization, and performance optimization. The following is a general outline of the key subjects covered:
1. Introduction to Magento Commerce Cloud:
- Understanding the Magento Commerce Cloud platform.
- Exploring the cloud infrastructure and deployment options.
- Navigating the Magento Commerce Cloud environment.
2. Magento Architecture and Core Concepts:
- Understanding the Magento architecture and its components.
- Exploring the Magento directory structure and codebase.
- Working with modules, themes, and extensions.
- Implementing Magento best practices and coding standards.
3. Magento Commerce Cloud Development:
- Developing custom modules and extensions.
- Implementing customizations using layout XML and UI components.
- Leveraging the Magento API and web services.
- Integrating with third-party systems and services.
4. Magento Commerce Cloud Deployment and Management:
- Deploying Magento Commerce Cloud instances.
- Managing environments, branches, and deployments.
- Utilizing version control systems and workflows.
- Implementing continuous integration and deployment processes.
5. Magento Commerce Cloud Performance and Optimization:
- Understanding performance optimization techniques.
- Caching strategies and optimization best practices.
- Debugging and troubleshooting common performance issues.
- Implementing scalability and load balancing.
Exam Objectives:
The Magento Certified Professional Cloud Developer test evaluates the candidate's proficiency in the following areas:
1. Magento Architecture and Core Principles:
- Understanding the Magento architecture and its components.
- Applying Magento best practices and coding standards.
- Demonstrating knowledge of Magento core concepts and directory structure.
2. Magento Commerce Cloud Development:
- Developing custom modules and extensions.
- Implementing customizations using layout XML and UI components.
- Integrating with third-party systems and services.
- Utilizing the Magento API and web services.
3. Magento Commerce Cloud Deployment and Management:
- Deploying Magento Commerce Cloud instances.
- Managing environments, branches, and deployments.
- Implementing version control systems and workflows.
- Demonstrating knowledge of continuous integration and deployment processes.
4. Magento Commerce Cloud Performance and Optimization:
- Applying performance optimization techniques.
- Configuring and managing caching strategies.
- Debugging and troubleshooting common performance issues.
- Implementing scalability and load balancing.
Exam Syllabus:
The Magento Certified Professional Cloud Developer test syllabus provides a detailed breakdown of the subjects covered in the exam. It includes specific knowledge areas, tasks, and skills that candidates are expected to demonstrate proficiency in. The syllabus may cover the following areas:
- Magento Architecture and Core Concepts
- Magento Commerce Cloud Development
- Magento Commerce Cloud Deployment and Management
- Magento Commerce Cloud Performance and Optimization
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Magento Certified Professional Cloud Developer
After installing a Magento extension that implements a new class for a site and deploying this to an integration environment, you see it is not working.
In the logs, you discover the following error:
The specified /app/generated/code/MyCompany/MyModule/MyClassFactory.php could not be written failed to open stream: Read-only file system
How do you fix this?
A. A support ticket should be filed with Magento Commerce Cloud to fix the filesystem issue.
B. The extension should be modified so it does not write to generated at runtime.
C. The file should be generated locally and pushed via Git.
D. The GENERATED_CODE_WRITABLE variable should be set to true whenever using extensions.
Correct Answer: B
Your project is in a phase where the locales that will be used are still being determined. You need to configure your project in a manner that will allow them to be changed dynamically.
How can you accomplish this?
A. Remove the system/default/general/locale configuration from the app/etc/config.php file
B. Configure SCD_ON_DEMAND to true in the .magento.env.yaml file
C. Run the command vendor/bin/ece-tools locales:unlock on the environment
D. Configure DYNAMIC_LOCALES in the SCD_MATRIX to true in the .magento.env.yaml file
Correct Answer: B
The merchant wants to offer specific pricing in different currency markets, so you have set up multiple websites to cover each currency.
Now they want customers to be directed to the appropriate website based on the country they are in.
How do you configure this?
A. Use the Country Mapping in the Fastly settings to map country codes to store views.
B. In the Project Web UI, enable the Website IP Mapping setting.
C. Update magento-vars.php to detect the country code from the IP address and map it.
D. Build or install a Magento extension that changes the default currency code on application init.
Correct Answer: D
/R eference:
QUESTION 56 After making changes to custom commands in the deploy and build phases, you deploy to Staging. The deployment takes much longer than expected, and Staging is in maintenance mode for most
of this time.
What do you do to reduce site downtime?
A. Set the SKIP_MAINTENANCE_SCD variable to true in the .magento.env.yaml file.
B. Add a custom command to the post_deploy phase to activate deferred deployment.
C. Move custom commands from the deploy phase to the build phase.
D. Update the SCD_MATRIX variable to include only necessary custom commands.
Correct Answer: A
You want to Strengthen the ability to monitor Production deployments by setting up an email notification system.
How do you achieve this?
A. Enable Deployment Notifications under Configure Environment > Settings in the Project Web UI
B. Build a custom module which hooks into the deployment phase and sends emails in real-time
C. Configure log notifications in the .magento.env.yaml file
D. Use the magento-cloud environment:deploy:email command to enable email notifications
Correct Answer: C
A merchant with three websites using en_GB, fr_FR and de_AT requires a change in locale to de_DE for the German Production website. After running the following command on Production you notice the frontend design of the German
website is broken:
php bin/magento config:set --scope=websites --scope-code=german general/locale/code de_DE
Static content deployment is set up on the deploy phase.
Why did this happen?
A. Static Content is not pre-generated for the de_DE locale
B. de_DE is not writeable in pub/static and has to be configured via the file
C. The magento-cloud environment:deploy command has not been run yet to generate static content for the new locale
D. STATIC_CONTENT_SYMLINK is not configured in the .magento.env.yaml file
Correct Answer: C
Section: (none)
QUESTION 59 To secure composer credentials you want to remove the auth.json file from the
project repository.
How do you do that?
A. The build phase runs on a separate server and variables are not available there, you must keep the credentials in the auth.json file, but you can replace the password with its hash
B. Add the env:COMPOSER_AUTH variable on the project level and make it visible on the build phase
C. Put the composer credentials into /mnt/build/.config/composer/auth.json
D. Add the COMPOSER_AUTH variable with the sensitive option enabled
Correct Answer: A
QUESTION 60 You have created a new Integration branch and did not receive the administrator email with the
password reset link.
What is prohibiting the email from sending?
A. You have not enabled the Magento Email module with bin/magento module:enable
B. The Outgoing Emails setting is disabled under Environment Settings in the Project Web UI
C. Email is always disabled on all integration branches
D. You have not configured SendGrid for this environment
Correct Answer: B
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