PMI-200 exam Format | Course Contents | Course Outline | exam Syllabus | exam Objectives
There are 120 questions for the PMI-ACP® exam (20 random questions (called as pre-test) from the 120 questions are not to be counted towards the final score)
All questions are multiple-choice questions with 1 correct answer from 4 choices
The PMI-ACP® exam lasts for 3 hours
The PMI-ACP® exam is computer-based in most cases (i.e. to be answered on a computer in a selected exam centre)
Domain I. Agile Principles and Mindset 16%
Domain II. Value-driven Delivery 20%
Domain III. Stakeholder Engagement 17%
Domain IV. Team Performance 16%
Domain V. Adaptive Planning 12%
Domain VI. Problem Detection and Resolution 10%
Domain VII. Continuous Improvement (Product, Process, People) 9%
Domain I. Agile Principles and Mindset (9 tasks)
Explore, embrace, and apply agile principles and mindset within the context of the project
team and organization.
Domain II. Value-Driven Delivery (4 sub-domains, 14 tasks)
Deliver valuable results by producing high-value increments for review, early and often, based on stakeholder priorities. Have the stakeholders provide feedback on these increments,and use this feedback to prioritize and Improve future increments.
Domain III. Stakeholder Engagement (3 sub-domains, 9 tasks)
Engage current and future interested parties by building a trusting environment that aligns their needs and expectations and balances their requests with an understanding of the cost/effort involved. Promote participation and collaboration throughout the project life cycle and provide the tools for effective and informed decision making.
Domain IV. Team Performance (3 sub-domains, 9 tasks)
Create an environment of trust, learning, collaboration, and conflict resolution that promotes team self-organization, enhances relationships among team members, and cultivates a culture of high performance.
Domain V. Adaptive Planning (3 sub-domains, 10 tasks)
Produce and maintain an evolving plan, from initiation to closure, based on goals, values, risks, constraints, stakeholder feedback, and review findings.
Domain VI. Problem Detection and Resolution (5 tasks)
Continuously identify problems, impediments, and risks; prioritize and resolve in a timely manner; monitor and communicate the problem resolution status; and implement process improvements to prevent them from occurring again.
Domain VII. Continuous Improvement (Product, Process, People) (6 tasks)
Continuously Improve the quality, effectiveness, and value of the product, the process, and the team.
Agile values and principles
Agile frameworks and terminology
Agile methods and approaches
Assessing and incorporating community and stakeholder values
Stakeholder management
Communication management
Facilitation methods
Knowledge sharing/written communication
Building agile teams
Team motivation
Physical and virtual co-location
Global, cultural, and team diversity
Training, coaching, and mentoring
Developmental mastery models (for example, Tuckman, Dreyfus, Shu Ha Ri)
Self-assessment tools and techniques
Participatory decision models (for example, convergent, shared collaboration)
Principles of systems thinking (for example, complex adaptive, chaos)
Problem solving
Incremental delivery
Agile discovery
Agile sizing and estimation
Value based analysis and decomposition
Process analysis
Continuous improvement
Agile hybrid models
Managing with agile KPIs
Agile project chartering
Agile contracting
Agile project accounting principles
Regulatory compliance
PMI's Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
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PMI-Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)
Answer: C
When are acceptance tests typically written for a user story?
A. After coding the story, but before user acceptance testing begins
B. After writing the story, but before coding begins
C. At the start of Product Backlog prioritization planning
D. After estimating the Product Backlog, but before Sprint planning begins
Answer: C
Which of the seven principles of software development is best intended to solve the
problem of inventories causing hidden errors in the process?
A. Fast-Flexible-Flow
B. Optimize the Whole
C. Deliver Early and Often
D. Eliminate Waste
Answer: D
What do project reports show during the Sprint review meeting?
A. Estimates compared to the baseline
B. genuine results to the plan
C. Return on investment (ROI)
D. Earned value measurement (EVM)
Answer: C
The purpose of "setting the stage'' in a project retrospective is to:
A. Restate the goal of the meeting and create an open atmosphere.
B. Review the scope statement and summarize project results.
C. Elevate the team's morale and ensure that everyone participates.
D. Describe the next Iteration and discuss lessons learned.
Answer: A
A full cycle of design-code-verifyrelease practiced by extreme Programming (XP)
teams is called:
A. Story
B. Timebox
C. Iteration
D. Burndown
Answer: C
When facilitated and managed well, the primary benefits of a project retrospective
should be to:
A. Increase empowerment and enjoyment for the team.
B. Identify the most important issues for the sponsors.
C. Provide an open forum for team member complaints.
D. Allow the team to get ahead on release planning.
Answer: D
In a Lean project environment, visual controls:
A. Can be used by management for communicating specific corrective direction.
B. Are easy to use, reflect the team's progress, and show the team what to do next.
C. Are helpful while the team is forming but are less important for more experienced
D. Should be kept to a minimum to avoid distracting the team from high-value
Answer: A
Which term best describes an Agile project's approach to risk analysis?
A. Regression
B. Pareto
C. Qualitative
D. Monte Carlo
Answer: D
The primary purpose of a Sprint retrospective is for the team to:
A. Review stories planned for the next sprint and provide estimates,
B. Demonstrate completed user stories to the Product Owner.
C. Discuss what went well, what didn't, and ways to improve.
D. Individually provide status updates on user stories in progress.
Answer: C
In a Lean Software Development environment, the Project Leader strives to eliminate:
A. Work in Process (WIP) and bugs.
B. Delays and building what is not needed.
C. Defects and features with low value stream values.
D. Poor requirements and changing scope.
Answer: C
During iteration planning, the team is discussing the design for a user story. A team
member states that a design document should be started since the system is complex in
nature. Another team member responds that in Agile there is no documentation. How
should the ScrumMaster respond?
A. Agree that documentation should be avoided, since it slows the progress of the
B. Explain that interactions are valued over documentation, but documentation is not
C. Ask the manager if the technical processes mandate that designs be documented.
D. Ask the Product Owner if it is acceptable for the resources to spend time on
Answer: B
For a "caves and commonroom arrangement, the most appropriate prerequisite is that
the people in the room must be working on:
A. Whatever they choose.
B. Individual projects.
C. The same set of multiple projects,
D. The same project.
Answer: D
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Other Sources
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