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IBM Cloud for SAP v1 Specialty Practice Test

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S2000-019 PDF demo Questions

S2000-019 demo Questions

Question: 1
When considering business transformation for SAP on IBM Cloud, which benefit can organizations expect to achieve through the adoption of cloud-native technologies?
A. Improved scalability and agility
B. Increased data security
C. Reduced infrastructure costs
D. Enhanced regulatory compliance
Answer: A
Explanation: By adopting cloud-native technologies for SAP on IBM Cloud, organizations can expect to achieve improved scalability and agility. Cloud-native technologies, such as containerization and microservices architectures, enable organizations to design and deploy SAP applications in a modular and scalable manner. This allows for greater flexibility in managing workload demands, scaling resources up or down as needed, and accelerating the delivery of new features and functionalities. Improved scalability and agility contribute to increased business agility and responsiveness.
Question: 2
When designing the networking infrastructure for SAP on IBM Cloud, which IBM Cloud service provides a dedicated, high-performance network connection between on-premises environments and IBM Cloud?
A. IBM Cloud Direct Link
B. IBM Cloud Load Balancer
C. IBM Cloud Virtual Private Cloud
D. IBM Cloud Internet Services Answer: A
Explanation: IBM Cloud Direct Link provides a dedicated, high-performance network connection between on-premises environments and IBM Cloud. It enables secure and reliable connectivity, allowing organizations to establish a private network connection to their SAP workloads hosted on IBM Cloud. IBM Cloud Direct Link offers low latency, high bandwidth, and improved network performance, ensuring seamless integration between on-premises systems and SAP applications running on IBM Cloud.
Question: 3
Which compute option on IBM Cloud offers dedicated physical servers for SAP workloads, providing enhanced performance and isolation?
A. Virtual Servers
B. Bare Metal Servers
C. Kubernetes Service
D. Cloud Foundry
Answer: B
Explanation: Bare Metal Servers on IBM Cloud offer dedicated physical servers for SAP workloads, providing enhanced performance and isolation. These servers are not virtualized and provide direct access to the underlying hardware resources, ensuring optimal performance for demanding SAP applications. Bare Metal Servers are ideal for scenarios where strict performance requirements and isolation are critical, allowing SAP workloads to fully leverage the underlying server capabilities.
Question: 4
Which security feature of IBM Cloud helps protect SAP workloads by
automatically monitoring and analyzing network traffic for potential threats?
A. IBM Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM)
B. IBM Cloud Security Advisor
C. IBM Cloud Key Protect
D. IBM Cloud Security Groups
Answer: B
Explanation: IBM Cloud Security Advisor is the security feature that helps protect SAP workloads by automatically monitoring and analyzing network traffic for potential threats. It provides real-time visibility into the security posture of SAP applications on IBM Cloud, offering recommendations and alerts to mitigate security risks. IBM Cloud Security Advisor leverages advanced analytics and machine learning techniques to detect and respond to security incidents, ensuring the integrity and availability of SAP workloads.
Question: 5
When deploying SAP workloads on IBM Cloud, which component is responsible for managing the lifecycle of the SAP applications and infrastructure?
A. IBM Cloud Private
B. IBM Cloud Orchestrator
C. IBM Cloud Automation Manager
D. IBM Cloud Pak for Integration
Answer: C
Explanation: IBM Cloud Automation Manager is the component responsible for managing the lifecycle of SAP applications and infrastructure on IBM Cloud. It provides a set of automation tools and capabilities to simplify the deployment, scaling, and management of SAP workloads. With IBM Cloud Automation Manager, administrators can define and orchestrate the provisioning and configuration of SAP systems, ensuring efficient and consistent deployment across the SAP landscape.
Question: 6
Which architectural consideration is important when deploying SAP workloads on IBM Cloud to ensure high availability and disaster recovery?
A. Load balancing across multiple availabilityzones
B. Data replication across multiple data centers
C. Application containerization using Kubernetes
D. Integration with IBM Cloud Watson services
Answer: B
Explanation: Data replication across multiple data centers is an important architectural consideration when deploying SAP workloads on IBM Cloud to ensure high availability and disaster recovery. By replicating SAP data across multiple geographically dispersed data centers, organizations can minimize the risk of data loss and ensure business continuity in the event of a disaster or system failure. Data replication technologies, such as IBM Db2 Replication or SAP HANA System Replication, provide mechanisms to synchronize data between primary and secondary data centers, enabling fast and efficient failover in case of an outage.
Question: 7
Within IBM Cloud, what encryption option only works with IBM managed keys to encrypt the complete NFS volume for SAP application data?
A. vSphere encryption
B. HyTrust DataControl encryption
C. IBM Cloud Endurance native encryption
D. vSAN encryption
Answer: C
Explanation: IBM Cloud Endurance native encryption is the encryption option that works with IBM managed keys to encrypt the complete NFS volume for SAP application data. This encryption mechanism ensures the security and confidentiality of the SAP application data stored on the IBM Cloud. It utilizes IBM's key management infrastructure to manage and protect the encryption keys, providing a high level of data protection and compliance with industry security standards.
Question: 8
When considering storage options for SAP on IBM Cloud, which storage technology provides high performance, low latency, and is particularly suited for SAP HANA workloads?
A. IBM Cloud Block Storage
B. IBM Cloud File Storage
C. IBM Cloud Object Storage
D. IBM Cloud Storage System
Answer: A
Explanation: IBM Cloud Block Storage is the storage technology that provides high performance, low latency, and is particularly suited for SAP HANA workloads. It offers block-level storage with high IOPS and low latency, allowing SAP HANA to efficiently process large volumes of data. IBM Cloud Block Storage is designed to deliver the performance and reliability required by SAP applications, ensuring optimal performance and data integrity.
Question: 9
Which compute comparison factor should be considered when evaluating the performance of SAP workloads on IBM Cloud?
A. CPU clock speed
B. Memory capacity
C. Network bandwidth
D. Storage capacity
Answer: A
Explanation: CPU clock speed is an important compute comparison factor to consider when evaluating the performance of SAP workloads on IBM Cloud. The CPU clock speed determines the rate at which the processor executes instructions, directly impacting the processing power and performance of SAP applications. Higher CPU clock speeds generally result in faster execution of tasks and improved overall performance for CPU-bound workloads, such as SAP applications. Evaluating the CPU clock speed of the compute instances available on IBM Cloud helps determine the suitability of the platform for running SAP workloads with specific performance requirements.

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