Salesforce-Certified-B2C-Commerce-Developer exam Format | Course Contents | Course Outline | exam Syllabus | exam Objectives
The Salesforce B2C Commerce Developer exam measures a candidate’s knowledge and skills related to the following objectives. A candidate should have hands-on experience with B2C Commerce and should be able to demonstrate knowledge and expertise in each of the areas below.
B2C Commerce Setup: 11%
Given a sandbox environment, configure an IDE to use WebDAV to deploy cartridges to the correct version directories.
Given a sandbox instance and data import files, import files using the Business Manager Import/Export modules.
Given the code for a storefront site, add the correct sequence of cartridge names to the provided cartridge path.
Given a sandbox environment, use the Business Manager to add a new site to the instance, configuring the default currency and taxation type according to business requirements.
Given a recently created B2C site, assign the storefront data configurations according to business requirements.
Work With a B2C Site: 12%
Given a Business Manager task, work with the product data model to manage products and product search model, their categorization, and associated inventory and pricebooks.
Given a configuration for tasks, such as payment and shipping information, use Business Manager to complete storefront orders.
Given a configuration task, use Business Manager to work with Content Assets, Page Designer, Content Slots, and Content Folders.
Data Management Using Business Manager Usage: 24%
Given a business requirement, modify site search preferences and settings to enable searching for a specified term or product attribute.
Given a business requirement, create and configure a new search refinement and sorting definition that can be used on the storefront.
Given a debugging requirement or code, configure the logging categories and access the logs in Business Manager.
Given business requirements, extend the storefront to expose a new attribute on an existing system object type.
Given a business need to store custom data, determine if a custom object is needed and create and configure as required.
Given a performance issue and data, use relevant tools to inspect code performance and determine and implement solutions (cache configuration, profilers, etc) to Strengthen performance.
Given a specification and a sandbox instance, configure OCAPI permissions for Data and Shop APIs.
Given a service configuration, recognize how they are applicable to the development process.
Application Development: 53%
Given a development task, code ISML templates that use functionality such as: local include, remote include, components, and other ISML tags.
Use debugging best practices and techniques to troubleshoot scripts and controllers and verify outcomes.
Given a requirement, create and extend the functionality of a JavaScript controller that leverages models, decorators, factories, or helpers following API best practices and renders a template or returns a JSON response.
Given a business requirement and design for a new marketing page, develop page types and components to allow a marketer to build a page with the Page Designer tool.
Given a requirement to accept, validate, and persist information from a storefront customer, modify the appearance of a form, add validation and CSRF protection, and use bindings to process fields.
Given localization requirements, implement and enhance templates, form definitions, static files, properties files, and persistent object attributes to ensure that pages are displayed in the expected language.
Given a logging task and existing configuration, write code that logs non-sensitive data to custom log files with different log levels.
Integrate, deploy, and use a service instance based on a given requirement.
Given a use case, extend functionality or capture an event using hook extension points.
Given code that violates documented best practices, identify the issues and modify the code to conform with best practices including performance and scalability.
Given a business requirement, use OCAPI Shop and Data APIs to enable interoperability with an external system.
Given a business requirement to perform a scheduled task, develop jobs and code job scripts.
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Salesforce-Certified-B2C-Commerce-Developer real Questions
Certified B2C Commerce Developer
Question: 57
A client has a requirement to render different content on the homepage based on if the customer is logged in or guest
What should a developer implement to achieve this requirement?
A. Write specific custom code in the Content Asset for a customer that is a registered, versus unregistered, user.
B. Set the Content Slot configuration so it is based on the system customer group registered, versus unregistered.
C. Set the Content Asset configuration for a customer that is a registered, versus unregistered, user.
D. Add specific custom messages in Page Designer for a customer that is a registered, versus unregistered, user.
Answer: B
Question: 58
A Digital Developer needs to add logging to the following code:
Which statement logs the HTTP status code to a debug-level custom log file?
A. logger.getLogger(profile).debug("Error retrieving profile email, Status Code: ", http.statusCode);
B. logger.debug("Error retrieving profile email, Status Code: {0} was returned.", http.statusCode);
C. Logger.getLogger().debug("Error retrieving profile email, Status Code: {0} was returned.", http.statusCode);
D. Logger.getLogger(profile).debug("Error retrieving profile email, Status Code: {0} was returned.",
Answer: B
Question: 59
A developer has a sandbox with code to log a message during execution, and the following code:
After the code executes, the developer does not see any log file with the message in the WebDAV folder.
What could the developer do to correct this issue?
A. Set the root log level to debug AND check the box for info under Log Files.
B. Set the logging global preference to true AND set the root log level to debug.
C. Set the logging global preference to true AND check the box for Info under Log Files
Answer: C
Question: 60
A developer has the following files in template/resources:
weight.unit= pounds
Using the default locale configuration, what is the current outcome of the page that renders the account.isml template
snippet below when visiting the Sofrefront with the English for Canada(en_CA) locale=
Your parcel weighs 10 ${Resource.msg(weight.unit,account)}
A. Your parcel weighs 10 stones.
B. Your parcel weighs 10 pounds.
C. Your parcel weighs 10 undefined.
D. Your parcel weighs 10 kilos
Answer: A
Question: 61
Assume the code below is executing:
Business Manager has the configuration:
Active Log category is root with log level of info.
Given this information, what is the beginning of the filename in which the log will be written?
A. xyz
B. custominfo-blade
C. custom-export
D. custom-xyz
Answer: D
Question: 62
The developer has been given the following business requirement:
The shipping method, Free Standard Ground Shipping has an exclusion for products *lth category equals or is child of
The marketing department has scheduled a sale offering a Free Standard Ground Shipping method for brand XyzTv
televisions for the next 3 months.
What method accomplishes this while following best practices?
A. Extend the code in cartridge/models/shipping/shippingMethod.js using module, super Module and add an exception
for the specified brand.
B. Extend the CheckoutShippingservices controller using module.superModule and add an exception for the specified
C. Create an allow list for the existing shipping method by adding a product exclusion for brand equals XyzTV" to the
exclusion list for "Free Standard Ground Shipping."
Answer: C
Question: 63
A developer needs to check for product inventory in all inventory lists using the Open Commerce API.
An example request URL is:
Which properly should the developer check in the OCAPI settings to confirm the appropriate resource is enabled?
A. Client_id
B. Ecom-inventory
C. Inventory_list
Answer: B
Question: 64
To ensure SFRA best practices and protect against request forgery, the developer introduced CSRF token generation in
the customer address form:
To implement CSRF protection when the form is submitted, the developer needs to introduce the CSRF
validation using one or both of these methods as applicable:
Where in the code does the developer need to add this CSRF validation check?
A. In the controller function that displays the form
B. In the middleware chain of the controller post route
C. In the controller function that handles the submitted form
D. In the model function that persists the form data
Answer: B
Question: 65
A Digital Developer must deliver users the ability to choose an occasion (holiday, birthday, anniversary, etc.) for which
gifts are currently being selected. The data needs to be persistent throughout the current shopping experience.
Which data store variable is appropriate, assuming there is no need to store the selection in any system or custom
A. Request scope variable
B. Page scope variable
C. Session scope variable
D. Content slot variable
Answer: C
Question: 66
A developer wants to configure multiple products that should only be sold as a group. It should not be possible for
buyers to buy these products individually.
How should the developer configure the products?
A. Bundle
B. Set
C. Variation Group
Answer: A
Question: 67
Business Manager has the configuration:
Active Log category is "root"
Log level of WARN
The code below is executing:
var log = Logger.getLogger("products");
Using this information, which two logs will be written? Choose 2 answers
A. log.warn("This is a warn message");
B. log.error("This is an error message");
C."This is an info message");
D. log.debugfThis is a debug message");
Answer: A,C
Question: 68
A merchant has a content slot on a page that currently displays products based on the top Sellers for the current week.
They wish to change this functionality and, instead, have the slot render a specific content asset so that the content
experience is more personalized to the visitors.
Which two actions are necessary to make this change? Choose 2 answers
A. Delete the existing content slot and create a new one.
B. Change the rendering template in the slot configuration
C. Change the default setting in the slot configuration
D. Change the content type for the slot configuration
Answer: B,D
Question: 69
Which two methods are efficient and scalable? (Choose two.)
A. ProductMgr.queryAllSiteProducts()
B. ProductSearchHit.getRepresentedProducts()
C. ProductSearchModel.getProductSearchHits()
D. Category.getProducts()
Answer: C,D
Question: 70
A controller route in the SFRA base looks as follows:
In order to extend this route using prepared ( ), what should the developer consider?
A. Specify any middleware functions needed for the new functionality.
B. Specify any middleware functions needed for the new functionality using only those called by the base route.
C. Remove next ( ); on the new route so only the routes middleware functions execute.
Answer: B
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